“My intention is to create artwork with meaningful messages
that will inspire and empower women to be the best that they can be.” —Claudia Marulanda
Claudia’s paintings are figurative and include a graphic quality to them. She enjoys painting with acrylics as much as with oils and is always in the pursuit to experiment and keep developing her personal style. 

The love for art has always been a part of Claudia. For most of her young adult life, she pursued a career in graphic design. A few years ago, after going through a very painful experience in her life, painting became the way to relieve her pain and express her feelings. Since then, Claudia has used art as a way to heal and as a form of self-expression. 

Her passion for art is crafted through meaningful paintings that celebrate and inspires women. Her most recent work is built on the idea of women expressing themselves through storytelling. 

Currently, Claudia creates two different styles of art work, one is more contemporary, pop, vibrant and fun. The other one is equally as vibrant but has more of a classical style and what makes it unique are the words weaved into the hair of each piece. This style of art, for Claudia, is a form of expression and encouragement. It was born out of the desire to empower herself and overcome the adversity she was going through. She weaves these words or phrases into the hair in order to convey a feeling and/or to make a statement. 

In 2015, Claudia held her first solo exhibition called Wonder Women. She has participated in several art exhibits through out New York City, including group art exhibits at El Barrio's Art Space PS 109

Her life desire is based on Gandhi’s quote “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Claudia works relentlessly to be that change, to convey a message of empowerment and strives to be better at her craft every single day. She believes that if she can be inspired and empower through her art, she can do this for other women as well.
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